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13. Frieler, K. et al. (many authors). 2024. Scenario setup and forcing data for impact model evaluation and impact attribution within the third round of the Inter-Sectoral Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP3a). Geoscientific Model Development 17, 1-51.


12. Schultz, C., Dunne, J.P., Liu, X., Drenkard, E., Carter, B., 2024. Characterizing subsurface oxygen variability in the California Current System (CCS) and its links to water mass distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 129, e2023JC020000.


11. Henschke, N., Espinasse, B., Stock, C.A., Liu, X., Barrier, N., Pakhomov, E.A., 2023. The role of water mass advection in staging of the Southern Ocean Salpa thompsoni populations. Scientific Reports 13, 7088.


10. Liu, X.*, Stock, C.A., Dunne, J.P., Lee, M., Shevliakova, E., Malyshev, S., and Milly, P. C. D., 2021. Global coastal ecosystem response to half-century increase in river nitrogen loads. Geophysical Research Letters 48, e2021GL094367.


9. Liu, X.* and Levine, N.M.*, 2021. Ecosystem implications of fine-scale frontal disturbances in the oligotrophic ocean - an idealized modeling approach. Progress in Oceanography 192, 102519.


8. Liu, X.*, Dunne, J.P., Stock, C.A., Harrison, M., Adcroft A., and Resplandy, L., 2019. Simulating water residence time in the coastal oceans - a global perspective. Geophysical Research Letters 46, 13910–13919.


7. Teel, E. N., Liu, X., Seegers, B. N., Ragan, M. A., Haskell, W. Z., Jones, B. H., and Levine, N. M., 2018. Contextualizing time-series data: Quantification of short-term regional variability in the San Pedro Channel using high-resolution in situ glider data, Biogeosciences, 15, 6151-6165.


6. Liu, X. and N.M. Levine, 2016. Enhancement of phytoplankton chlorophyll by submesoscale frontal heterogeneity in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Geophysical Research Letters 43, 1651–1659


5. Liu, X.*, W.O. Smith, K.W. Tang, N.H. Doan, N.L. Nguyen, 2015. Theoretical size controls of the giant Phaeocystis globosa colonies. Ocean Science Journal 50, 283–289.


4. Smith, W.O., X. Liu, K.W. Tang, N.H. Doan, N.L. Nguyen, L.M. DeLizo, X.D. Wang, 2014. Giantism and its role in the harmful algal bloom species Phaeocystis globosa. Deep Sea Research II 101, 95–106.


3. Liu, X., W.O. Smith, N.H. Doan, N.L. Nguyen, K.W. Tang, 2013. Summer hydrography, nutrient stoichiometry, and phytoplankton distributions off southeast Viet Nam. Proceedings of International Conference on “Bien Dong 2012”


2. Liu, X.*, W.O. Smith, 2012. Physiochemical controls on phytoplankton distribution in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Journal of Marine Systems 94, 135–144.


1. Smith, W.O., V.L. Asper, S. Tozzi, X. Liu, S.E. Stammerjohn, 2011. Surface layer variability in the Ross Sea, Antarctica as assessed by continuous fluorescence measurements. Progress in Oceanography 88, 28–45.


(*: as corresponding author)




Liu, X. 2017. The impact of mesoscale and submesoscale physical processes on phytoplankton biomass, community composition, and carbon dynamics in the oligotrophic ocean. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California.


Liu, X., 2011. Physiological, ecological and bio-optical characteristics of Phaeocystis globosa in coastal waters of south central Vietnam. M.S. thesis, College of William and Mary.




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